Corporate responsability

Since its inception, Nalanda strives to generate value and social wealth in the areas where it operates, always worrying about the positive impact of its actions and being aware of its responsibilities to employees, customers, suppliers, the environment and society.

Throughout our history, Nalanda has shown that it knows how to act ethically, sustainably and with a vocation for a caring company.

Starting in 2015, a strong international expansion and diversification of business areas began, always trying to align the values that are in the mission of the company and its strategic approach with the coherence of the activities it develops.

Since its inception, Nalanda strives to generate value and social wealth in the areas where it operates, always worrying about the positive impact of its actions and being aware of its responsibilities to employees, customers, suppliers, the environment and society.

Throughout our history, Nalanda has shown that it knows how to act ethically, sustainably and with a vocation for a caring company.

Our Commitments

  • Always work respecting human rights, the environment, labor rights and anti-corruption laws.
  • Respect, maintain and disseminate the commitments acquired with all our stakeholders so that customers, suppliers, employees and shareholders continue to trust our company, always based on honesty and information transparency.
  • Respect, maintain and disseminate the commitments acquired with all our stakeholders so that customers, suppliers, employees and shareholders continue to trust our company, always based on honesty and information transparency.
  • Promote actions that provide social benefits for our employees.
  • Involve, sensitize, and train employees on the need for responsible behavior.
  • Take care of our surroundings and the environment by applying the criteria of sustainability in all our processes.


Nalanda, has adopted a commitment to respect the environment that ensures the prevention of pollution and the minimization of impact

Social action

Nalanda Global, has acquired social action commitments, generating new jobs and other actions that allow us to develop as a solidarity company by promoting social benefit programs and promoting sports practice for employees, which in turn provide a benefit for society .

Likewise, we also collaborate with several sports foundations in our desire to promote the promotion of sports as a fundamental part of our social action.

Groups of interest

  • Employees: committed to equal opportunities, people, and their professional development.
  • Customers: we fulfill our commitments, allowing us to have the loyalty of our customers.
  • Suppliers: we make decisions based on ethical, labour, social and environmental criteria. We are in constant communication with our suppliers.
  • Communities: respect for diversity and cultural differences, integrating people into the organization and respecting the environment.
  • Partners: to be our collaborator or partner, Human, Social, Labor and Environmental Rights must be respected.
  • Investors and Financial Institutions: we report relevant facts and financial statements in a transparent manner.
  • Shareholders: proximity, loyalty and commitment of shareholders with Nalanda Global, which helps us to create sustainable value.
  • Media: we guarantee the veracity and transparency of the information transmitted to the media


The company is committed to a socially responsible action, in compliance with the Law of the towns where it operates and, in particular, assumes the responsibility of respecting cultural diversity and the customs and principles in force among the people and communities affected by its activities.

The projects that Nalanda undertakes always mean growth for society in the area where it is carried out, either economically or in the social part, seeking the common welfare and the trend towards greater equality of conditions for the inhabitants, as well as the creation of wealth and shared value.

Each of our projects therefore involves monitoring that helps us reduce the environmental impact both in urban and rural areas. Respect for the environment is one of Nalanda’s maxims, being today, without a doubt, a value established and integrated in the company in all its areas. The projects that Nalanda undertakes always mean growth for society in the area where it is carried out, either economically or in the social part, seeking the common welfare and the trend towards greater equality of conditions for the inhabitants, as well as the creation of wealth and shared value.

Quality - safety - environment

Nalanda has an Integrated Management System, developed from the Quality, Information Security and Environment Management Policy, approved by the General Director and whose principles are the following

Information Quality and Security

To this end, Nalanda carries out its professional activity through a Management Policy based on the UNE EN-ISO 9001: 2015 and UNE EN-ISO 27001: 2013 standards, the principles of which are:

  • It is a priority task to implement and maintain an Information Quality and Security Management System appropriate to its characteristics, which ensures compliance of the services provided with the requirements of Clients, Interested Parties, Risks Inherent to the Business and with the Legal and Regulatory that are specified in each case, using as a guide what is established in the UNE-EN ISO 9001 and UNE-ISO / IEC 27001 Standards certified by a competent body.
  • The company’s staff is the main asset it has to achieve the Objectives, valuing that their capacity, training and dedication are essential to implement, develop and maintain the Information Security and Quality Management System.
  • Only through obtaining and continuous improvement of Quality, the application of the System assurance and the involvement of the Management in complying with the Client’s requirements, is it possible to achieve full satisfaction thereof.
  • The identification and knowledge of the key processes is the necessary way to advance in the orientation of the Organization towards these processes.
  • The Management is responsible for establishing these principles, setting the Objectives to be achieved in terms of Information Quality and Security and guaranteeing the necessary resources to achieve them.
  • The Information Quality and Security Management System is established to materialize the Information Quality and Security Policy and the means to achieve the Objectives, based on an effective organization and methodologies, leaving documentary evidence of all this for knowledge of all.
  • The System will be subjected to continuous review by consultants and external auditors and by the Management in order to verify both its effectiveness and the degree of compliance with the proposed Objectives.
  • This Policy is integrated into the General Policy of the Company.


Nalanda has adopted a commitment to respect the environment that ensures the prevention of pollution and the minimization of impact by committing to:

  • In any new activity or process and from the beginning, carry out a preliminary study to assess its impact on the environment.
  • Examine any significant effect on the environment from environmental aspects derived of Nalanda’s activities.
  • Adopt the necessary measures in order to prevent and eliminate any contamination or any accidental release into the natural environment.
  • Adopt the necessary measures to minimize, value and recycle waste, to the extent possible, ensuring proper management when there are no other alternatives.
  • Adopt the necessary measures to save raw materials including, where possible, reuse.< /li>
  • Adopt the necessary measures to save energy and water.

All of this will be carried out within a framework of improvement continues through:

  • Setting Environmental Objectives and Goals.
  • Application of tea media technical, human and economic necessary to achieve the objectives set.
  • Evaluation of the degree of compliance with them.

Anyone interested in knowing the environmental performance of our organization, please send a request via email to the following: [email protected]

General data protection regulation GDPR

Nalanda Global has been adapted in accordance with the provisions of the new LOPD + GDPR, implementing for this purpose all the necessary measures regarding the obligations established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the Protection of Personal Data.

Descubra tudo o que podemos ajudá-lo

A sua tranquilidade, a nossa inspiração.

O Nalanda está integrado ao Konvergia, o que permite conectar a sua documentação e a dos seus colaboradores com outras plataformas CAE de forma automática e sem assistência.


Somos um agente de digitalização oficial dos fundos europeus

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– Manuscrito Universidad de Nalanda – S.XI​

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