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Below is a collection of frequently asked questions and their answers to help you.

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Frequently asked questions for Subcontractors about the CAE Document Management service

To register your company in Nalanda you must access and select the option to CONTRACT the service.

In the form, you must include your company data in section 1, remember that the fields in asterisk are mandatory.

In section 2 you will need to include the details of the main construction company for which you work. You must indicate the CIF and name of the construction company and the corresponding work. It is enough to put a few letters of the name of the construction company, but that Construction Company must be on the list of Construction Companies that we have registered.

Once these sections have been completed, you can add the user of your company, which will be the person from your company to whom we will send the access codes to the Nalanda portal. You can add as many users as you need.

In section 4 you must choose the type of company it is (Company or self-employed) and select the PACK you need. The number of workers or machines is marked by the selected pack (Basic Pack includes 5 items to be divided between workers or machines, the silver pack includes 15 items, etc.)

If in addition to the number of items included in the pack you need more, you can include more in the box below. Each group of 5 has an additional amount of € 50 + VAT.

Always check that the amount of the contract is correct in order to contract the services you need and have not marked someone else by mistake. This box will always accompany you in the registration process.

Now you only have to select the corresponding payment method and once you have registered, you will be sent an email to retrieve your access codes.

For more info download the manual here.

If you already had access to our portal and now you cannot enter because you do not remember the password, or access to the portal has been restricted or blocked, follow these steps:
Access our page Click on the black access button located at the top right.
In the personal area, click on the orange square of “recover forgotten password.

In the password help, fill in the fields that are requested. The CIF of your company, the USER that we indicated when you registered on the platform, and the Email address that put us in the contract to join Nalanda Global.

Access your email and find the email that we have sent you. You will have received an email like this: Very important. Remember the user who tells you.

Click on the link indicated and fill in.

Remember that the key must be a key of at least 10 characters and must contain ALPHANUMERIC data and also a special character (period, asterisk, pound, etc). If there are fields already filled in, delete them until they are empty. Remember that it is very important that you ALWAYS write the email and passwords. If it tells you to copy and paste, they may take space or other signs that recognize them as characters and that makes the passwords not match or give an error.

For more info download the manual here.

By clicking on this link, you can download the instructions for uploading documents and using the platform.

For more info download the manual here.

The documentation required by your contract is the following:

– Company documentation
– Documentation of workers
– Machinery documentation

For more info download the manual here.

FAQ Total Certificate and Payment Certificate

Frequently asked questions for Subcontractors about the CAE Document Management service

To register your company in Nalanda you must access and select the option to CONTRACT the service.
In the form you must include the data of your company in section 1, remember that the fields in asterisk are mandatory.

In section 2 you will need to include the data of the main construction company for which he works. You must indicate the CIF and name of the construction company and the corresponding work. It is enough to put a few letters of the name of the construction company, but that Construction Company must be on the list of Construction Companies that we have registered.

Once these sections are completed, you can add the user of your company , which will be the person from your company to whom we will send the access codes to the Nalanda portal. You can add as many users as you need.

In section 4 you must choose the type of company you are (Company or self-employed) and select the PACK you need. The number of workers or machines is set by the selected pack (Basic pack includes 5 items to be divided among workers or
machines, the silver pack includes 15 items, etc.)

If in addition to the number of items included in the pack you need more you can include more in the box below. Each group of 5 has an additional amount of €50 + VAT.

Always check that the amount of the contract is correct in order to contract the services you need and have not marked any other by mistake. This box will always accompany you in the registration process.

Now all you have to do is select the corresponding payment method and once you have registered, an email will be sent to you to recover your access codes.

For more info download the manual here.

If you already had access to our portal and now you cannot enter because you do not remember the password, or access to the portal has been restricted or blocked, follow these steps:
Access our page
Click on the black access button on the top right.
In the personal area, click on the orange square of “recover forgotten password

In the Password Help, fill in the fields that are requested. The CIF of your company, the USER that we indicated when you registered on the platform, and the Email address

that you put us in the adhesion contract to Nalanda Global.

< p> Access your email and look for the email we sent you. You will have received an email like this: EYE! Very important. Remember the user that tells you.

Click on the link that is indicated and fill in.

Remember that the password must be a password of at least 10 characters and must contain ALPHANUMERIC data and also a special character (dot, asterisk, hash mark, etc).
If there are fields already filled in, delete them until they are empty
¡¡BE CAREFUL! Remember that it is very important that you ALWAYS write down your email and passwords. If it tells you to copy and paste, they may take space or other signs that it recognizes as characters and that will cause the passwords to not match or give an error.

For more info download the manual here.

How do I upload the documentation of my company, workers and machines?

By clicking on this link, you can download the instructions for uploading documents and using the platform.

< a style="font-size: 18px; font-weight: 600; line-height: 26px;" href="">For more info download the manual here.

The documentation required by your contract is the following:
– Company documentation
– Worker documentation
– Machinery documentation

< a style="font-size: 18px; font-weight: 600; line-height: 26px;" href="">For more info download the manual here.

Do you still have any doubt?

Call us for any support related questions.

Descubra tudo o que podemos ajudá-lo

A sua tranquilidade, a nossa inspiração.

O Nalanda está integrado ao Konvergia, o que permite conectar a sua documentação e a dos seus colaboradores com outras plataformas CAE de forma automática e sem assistência.


Somos um agente de digitalização oficial dos fundos europeus

© 2020 NALANDA GLOBAL, S.A. – Todos os direitos reservados.
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¿seguro que prefieres hablar?

En Nalanda nos encanta hablar contigo pero sabemos que escribirnos es un medio mucho más eficiente para resolver tus problemas, e incluso para que nos pidas que te llamemos nosotros sin que tengas que esperar.

En todo caso, te dejamos nuestro teléfono por si lo tuyo es la conversación
+34 91 994 20 62

¿seguro que prefere hablar?

Em Nalanda nos encanta falar com você, mas sabemos que escrever é um meio muito mais eficiente para resolver seus problemas, e até mesmo para que nós pidas que te chamemos nosotros sem que tenhamos que esperar.

Em todo caso, te dejamos nosso telefone por si lo tuyo es la conversación
+34 91 078 28 75

"Somente aqueles que estão dispostos a superar as grandes dificuldades do caminho alcançam os objetivos mais elevados"

– Manuscrito Universidad de Nalanda – S.XI​

Nestes momentos, estamos trabalhando em uma de suas dificuldades que às vezes, inesperadamente, surgem em nosso caminho quando estamos trabalhando para melhorar para ti. Enquanto dejamos toda a lista para ti, te proponemos que le eches un ojo a nuestro blog y disfrutes de nuestros contenidos, o que nos siga no Twitter para que te informemos quando volvamos a estar online.

Use estes botões de acordo com o serviço que lhe interessa e sua posição na cadeia de suprimentos/subcontratação:


  • Quando como contratista deseja receber a documentação de seus subcontratantes.
  • Quando como subcontratante deseja receber a documentação de seus próprios subcontratantes.
  • Cuando como promotora/propriedad, deseas solicita la documentación a tu contratista principal y/o a todos sus subcontratistas.
  • Quando você é comprador/contratante de bens/serviços, deseja receber as faturas de seus provedores eletronicamente.
  • Quando como comprador/contratante de bens/serviços, deseja receber a documentação/informações de homologação e/ou cumprimento de seus fornecedores de acordo com suas exigências.
  • Cuando como Construtora o Empresa Contratista deseja receber ofertas de seus fornecedores em suas RFQs.


  • Quando como subcontratista, você deve remeter sua documentação e/ou as suas próprias subcontratas ao seu contratista principal.
  • Quando você é subcontratante de nível inferior, deve enviar sua documentação ao subcontratante de nível superior.
  • Quando como contratista principal, você deve remitir sua documentação e/ou todos os seus subcontratantes à sua promotora/propriedad.
  • Cuando como provedor/vendedor/contratista, debes emitir las facturas a tus clientes/contratistas/administración pública eletronicamente.
  • Quando como provedor de serviços/serviços, você deve enviar a documentação de homologação e/ou conformidade ou atender às exigências de sua empresa para seus provedores.
  • Cuando como provedor, deseas encontrar novas obras, projetos y clientes a los que vendem tus bienes y servicios.

Este serviço está disponível apenas para compradores

Se é um fornecedor pode ver a parte do nosso website pensada para si no botão seguinte.

Este servicio solo está disponible para proveedores

Si eres comprador puedes ver la parte de nuestra web pensada para tí en el siguiente botón.